UPDATE: March 2017 – the competition is heating up, we’re getting close now!
The GOALS for both men and women are have been updated to make a fairer competition: to lose 20% of your body fat % (ie 20% of 40.84 % = 8.61%), AND gain 15% of your body muscle % (ie 15% of 56.13 % = 8.42%)
UPDATE: January 2017 – the competition is still wide open – and, as if you needed further motivation, the prie money pot has now grown to R7000 for the ladies and R3500 for the men – increasing at R500 per month until someone reaches the goals below.Weighing recommences Wednesday 18th January, between 12 and 14.30, the scale is polished up and waiting for you. Please tell your friends and bring them along. For motivation and valuable tools to assist you, please visit our Facebook page: HL Plett
Win with HL Plett! Spring is around the corner & summer’s not far behind. Is it time for a makeover? Turn over that new leaf & you could win R5000.
Just a quick reminder that our “HL Plett Herbalife Competition” is alive and well – and now easier than ever – and throwing out a challenge to you all, plus anyone you may wish to introduce to our Herbalife family.
The prize as at 1st September is R5000.00 – that could pay for a few treats – and it continues to rise at R500 each month until won by someone.
The rules remain simple – the first weight details recorded after Jan 1st 2016, on my Tanita Scale, (so anyone can start at any time), will be your starting point.
The first person to register a reduction of 10% in BODY FAT% – AND – 6% (reduced from 10%) increase in MUSCLE MASS, must be both, will be the winner. Both readings as recorded on the Tanita Scale only.
As more men are coming on board, from 1st September 2016, a Challenge is in place for you too. Starting at R1000 and adhering to the same rules as above, except, as your metabolisms are faster – BODY FAT reduction is 15% – MUSCLE MASS increase 10%.
We all know that any healthy regimen is hugely improved with EXERCISE as this is the only way to maintain muscle mass, and muscle mass simply wastes away after the age of around 30. Muscles are the only things in your body which burn calories, so the equation is also simple; allow your muscles to waste gradually away + eat the same as always = a steady build-up of additional fat mass.
You are in control – no-one else – eat healthily, reduce the carbs to reduce the calories, increase the protein and all the other colourful contributors to well-being and a healthy immune system.
The ONE STOP SHOP for the best fast food to achieve all those goals is…Herbalife! And exercise, of which, walking (not strolling!) is one of the best.
Go for it! Take up our challenge – you will all be winners in every way, and someone will walk away with a prize, so why not you?